Unruly Body Tanztheater is a theopoetic of queer liberation. UBT investigates Unruliness in the dancing body as resistance to the logic of dominance. We examine and disrupt patterns of dominance, through attunement with the body, using somatic methodologies towards the reclaimation of our soveirgnty, animality and wildness. Transgressing the form of ballet with wild abandon and approaching the form from within the body, of the body and as expression of human aliveness, UBT creates inter-disciplinary, eco-erotic dance theater.
Unruly Body Tanztheater was shaped by KJ Dahlaw, in 2017 as an outgrowth of their MFA thesis research at St. Mary's College of CA. UBT has co-produced shows at SAFEhouse Arts, Shawl Anderson Dance Center and the Joe Goode Annex, an opera with West Edge Opera, 6 full length dance works, and 2 dance films.
To be ungovernable. To be liberated of oppressive systems. To resist the logic of domination IN THE BODY. To be wild and without limit. To be sovereign. To know one's power and agency.
The corporeal body embodies the socio-political-ecological-material body. As part of an ecology, the corporeal body is constantly in flux. It carries the imprint of corporeality. The corporeal body exists in relation to time and place, matter and mythology, culture and biosphere. Consequently, the body becomes a means of understanding the Earth community. Through this lens, we can gain insight into ourselves.
A German art form that combines dance, theater, speech, music, and props to create a unique performance experience. Tanztheater is known for prioritizing expression over form, and for often being more about experience than telling a story.
Tanztheater developed from German expressionist dance, known as ausdruckstanz
German dancer and choreographer Pina Bausch (1940-2009) was a major contributor to the Tanztheater tradition